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Creating and designing a brochure can seem easy. But making a brochure that communicates effectively and creates real business results is not as easy as it looks. But it can be done! Here are six things that you can do to make your brochure design more effective. 

1. Know Your Brochure’s Purpose

The very first part of the planning is to know your brochure’s objectives. Understanding your purpose should guide the design of your brochures. Questions you could be asking include: Who will be seeing the brochure? Will it be presented in person, through direct mail, or both? Thinking through questions like these will help guide your design process. 

2. Plan and Use Your Best Copy

In brochure design, excellent copy is frequently overlooked. But like all marketing, it’s crucially important. And text should be considered as a part of the broader, complete design concept. And this is especially true at the start of the design process. Headlines and text are not something to try to add at the end. 

3. Know Your Brochure Folds

The way that your brochure folds are of critical importance. These folds affect how your services or products are presented to the public or the recipient. 

Choosing the right type of fold can be difficult. You will want the brochure to compliment the way that you intend the reader to experience it. For example, if there are a sequence of steps that the reader should go through, or if there is a particular order that the material needs to be presented in, the brochure’s folds should help show that.  

4. Use High-Resolution Photos

As with all print, it is critical to use images that represent well. Photos that may appear to be of high quality on a computer or phone screen may not look good in print. The resolution of printed materials is much higher than that of an average website or social media post. 

5. Use Fewer Fonts

It can seem like a small detail, but using fewer fonts in your brochure can make them look more professional and easier to read. Also, stick with clear headlines and subheadings, as well as body text font that is easy to read.

6. Include a Call-to-Action

What is a call-to-action exactly? One popular online dictionary defines it as “a piece of content intended to induce a viewer, reader, or listener to perform a specific act, typically taking the form of an instruction or directive.” While most advertising includes these, they are often missing from brochures. So be sure to add yours! Make your call-to-action immediately visible. What is it you would like them to do ideally? Call you? Visit your website? Redeem an offer? Whatever it is, you should include visual cues, like larger fonts and bold colors, to draw attention to your ideal action. 

Let Adeas help you with your next brochure

We’re based in Wichita, Kansas, but work with businesses from around the country. We can help you design, print, and even mail your next brochures. 

Learn more and shop online today.